Non-Partisan Candidates for City Council
There are six candidates for Falls Church City Council. They are listed below in the order in which they will appear on the ballot. Voters may vote for up to four candidates.
David F. Snyder – A former mayor and vice mayor, Dave Snyder was first elected to council in 1994. He is now serving his sixth term as a city councilor. Dave chairs the National Capital Region Emergency Preparedness Council, and also has chaired Washington, DC, metropolitan, and regional transportation and environmental boards. He currently serves as President of the Virginia Transit Association. Licensed to practice law in three jurisdictions, he serves as Vice President, International Policy, for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.
Debora “Debbie” Schantz-Hiscott – Debbie is seeking her first full term after winning a seat on the City Council last November following Councilmember Dan Sze’s death. Debbie has been an active member of the Falls Church Community for many years. As the Executive Director of the Falls Church Education Foundation (FCEF) for the past eight years, Debbie has raised funds for the community’s public schools; raising more than $1 million in grants in the past four years to promote equity of access, provide teacher training, and ensure student readiness. After graduating from the University of North Carolina and studying at the London School of Economics, Debbie worked in business development and finance, building strong financial skills. Debbie is a member of the Falls Church Women’s Commission and the GMHS Cultural Heritage and Equity team, and she has served as an active member of the FCCPS PTA for 15 years.
Marybeth D. Connelly -- First elected to the Council in 2013, Marybeth has served as Falls Church’s vice mayor since 2016. An advocate for community-building, strong schools, and economic progress, Marybeth is seeking re-election to ensure that Falls Church continues to thrive, providing our children with the finest education possible, and welcoming residents of all ages, races, and incomes. Marybeth and her husband Michael have lived in Falls Church City since 1995, and their three children attend the City’s public schools. As Falls Church City Public School Community Outreach Director since 2005, Marybeth has worked to strengthen the ties between the City’s schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations. She is a member of AAUW, the League of Women Voters, Village Preservation & Improvement Society, and Citizens for a Better City.
Stuart M. Whitaker and his family have lived in Falls Church City for about 3 years. A financial economist by training and a consultant and businessman by experience, for over a decade Stuart has worked on transportation for the private sector. From this experience, Stuart explains that there are three considerations that need to be applied to infrastructure-investment decisions: economics, equity and the environment. In his view, not only does transportation policy play a critical role in our region’s economy, it also is the primary source of domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to Stuart, making wise investments depends upon applying cost-benefit analyses. Stuart is dedicated to making transportation infrastructure decisions that are more sustainable and equitable.
Caroline S. Lian is a first generation immigrant from Indonesia, who has lived in Virginia since 1979, becoming a US citizen in 2008. She graduated from the University of Virginia, where she earned a BA in Biology and also met her husband, Andrew Manwaring. Their two sons attend FCC public schools. Caroline started her career in financial services at Ernst & Young, and moved on to investment banking with J.P. Morgan. She later worked for the DC Government as COO for the Office of the Chief Operating Officer and DC Public Schools. For the past six years, Caroline has served as a board member of a DC charter school and affordable housing nonprofit. Caroline also has volunteered as a room parent, coach, events assistant, and supporter of the Falls Church Education Foundation.
Scott C. Diaz -- We were unable to obtain any information about this candidate.