Who We Are
The Falls Church City Democratic Committee (FCCDC) is an inclusive community dedicated to promoting honest, effective government that provides for the common good, protects everyone’s civil and human rights, and invests wisely for the benefit of future generations. For over 60 years, the FCCDC has helped Democratic candidates win elective offices at the local, state and federal level. The FCCDC is an official democratic organization for the Democratic Party of Virginia.
Our Mission
To elect more Democrats to local, state and national offices and to ensure that the voting public is well informed about the positions and goals of Democratic Party candidates who seek local, state or federal office.
Our Leadership
Chair: | Cindy Cunningham |
Vice Chair: | Liz Hume |
Secretary: | Pat Aburano |
Treasurer: | Renee Bergmann Andrews |
Monthly Meetings
Falls Church City Democrats meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM. During the pandemic we have been meeting via Zoom, rather than gathering in person at the Falls Church Community Center, 223 Little Falls Street, Falls Church, VA 22046. We hope to return to in-person meetings soon. Our monthly meetings are open to all Democrats, so please join us! Our meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. and conclude at approximately 8:30 p.m. We discuss upcoming political events and elections, and we often host elected officials, Democratic candidates, and public policy advocates as guest speakers. To receive more information about our monthly meetings, including an invitation to join our meeting via Zoom, please sign up online at fallschurchdems@gmail.com. Details about upcoming meetings are also posted on the Facebook page of the Falls Church City Democratic Committee.
Falls Church Young Democrats
An important partner of the Falls Church City Democratic Committee is the Falls Church Young Democrats (FCYD). The FCYD provides a great way for young adults to become involved in Falls Church City Democratic politics and civic activities. FCYDs also elect a representative who attends state, regional and national meetings of young Democrats. The organization is affiliated with the Virginia Young Democrats and the Young Democrats of America, and membership is open to anyone from 18 to 35 years of age. Click here for more information about FCYD.